Half Day in the Life | Family Photography in Highbury and Islington

As a documentary family and baby photographer, it’s always a privilege to tell the story of a growing family, and so I was delighted when this family of four invited me to spend the afternoon with them at their home in Highbury and Islington, North London. We had a beautifully relaxed afternoon, filled with cooking and a visit to the family’s favourite local park.

Mother helping child put on apron
Father helping daughter make pizza
Girl tasting homemade pizza topping

The morning started in the kitchen with some seriously impressive pizza-making, with a fair amount of taste-testing throughout the process!

Mum kissing baby
Baby squirming on floor
Baby pushing up on floor
Baby feet

With daddy and big sister busy in the kitchen, mummy and littlest enjoyed a few snuggles…(and wrangles)!

Girl at door preparing bike
Girl with bike helmet
Girl running up stairs

Time for an afternoon stroll and bike ride to the local park, and of course, ice-cream!

Girl on climbing frame
Baby sleeping in buggy
Girl choosing ice cream
Dad wiping daughter's face
Mum cuddling baby
Mum bottle feeding baby

Back home for a bit of quiet time. I couldn’t resist a photo of the family cat, rightfully resuming her place in the buggy!

Dad helping daughter with screen as baby sits in bouncer
Mum kissing baby's hand
Cat sitting in baby buggy